About Us
Mission Statement

The Hamilton Coalition to Stop the War began
life as the November 16th Coalition, which formed in Hamilton to organize
opposition to the then impending attack on Iraq. Our goal was to unite
all the elements in society who were against America's design to punish
and conquer Iraq in order to further their imperial expansion into the
oil rich Middle-East.
Leaders and activists from the peace movement, the faith communities,
the labour movement, the student movement, and ethnic communities came
together to lobby Canada to stay out of the war if we couldn't prevent
it from happening.
The burning question in the world today is War or Peace. America seems to know
no bounds in pursuit of its agenda. From Haiti to Afganistan to Pakistan we are
hearing the drumbeat of illegal and immoral wars become louder and louder.
At the same time we are witnessing the erosion of our democratic rights
gain momentum with false arrests and imprisonments of Muslim people
all over Europe and North America.
The mission of the Hamilton Coalition to Stop the War is to press harder
for peace challenging every political leader to stand with the people
in pursuing peace over war.
We are an affiliate organization with the Canadian Peace Alliance and
we in Hamilton are working together with all Canadians and activists
from around the world to stop illegal wars and occupations including
the complicity of the Canadian government to help further the American
All are welcome to join us and help us in our struggle for justice and
click here to see our photo gallery