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NATO's "New Libya"


Against the Grain
The New-Model Interventionists


"The West is omnipresent overseas: Iraq, Afghanistan, and Pakistan; Egypt, Libya, the Gulf monarchies and emirates; Nigeria, Sudan, Yemen, Somalia, Ivory Coast. The principle of intervention trumps that of sovereignty; and the essence of civil war is redefined to be an incumbent government’s enforcement of law and order with loss of life as nothing short of the perpetration of a crime against humanity."

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The Top Ten Myths in the War Against Libya

A Victory for the Libyan People?





Killing the Truth: Western Mainstream Media Complicit in NATO War Crimes in Libya

by Finian Cunningham

Libya can be seen as the pinnacle of Orwellian function – meaning the nadir in normal reasoning. In its relentless one-eyed coverage of Libya, the Western media has served as the ministry of disinformation for NATO.




Libya, Africa, and the New World Order
An Open Letter to the Peoples of Africa and the World from Concerned Africans

"We, the undersigned, are ordinary citizens of Africa who are immensely pained and angered that fellow Africans are and have been subjected to the fury of war by foreign powers which have clearly repudiated the noble and very relevant vision enshrined in the Charter of the United Nations.

Our action to issue this letter is inspired by our desire, not to take sides, but to protect the sovereignty of Libya and the right of the Libyan people to choose their leaders and determine their own destiny."

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Disaster capitalism swoops over Libya

By Pepe Escobar

Think of the new Libya as the latest spectacular chapter in the Disaster Capitalism series. Instead of weapons of mass destruction, we had R2P ("responsibility to protect"). Instead of neo-conservatives, we had humanitarian imperialists.

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Reconstruction after Gadhafi

European Firms Hoping for Big Business in Libya

By By Maria Marquart and Katharina Pauli

Der Speigel