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[RADIO] Go with Win-Win and forget “Five-Eyes”

Toronto’s Taylor Report also provided a commentary on Canada’s approach to the Meng Wanzhou case, and the need to end our subservience to U.S. hegemony.

Canada Should Go With Win-Win, Forget Five-Eyes Hegemony

December 7th, 2020

Taylor Report Commentary

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Description (11 minutes):

Phil notes that China does not seek to be #1 in the world. That’s totally a phenomenon of “Five Eyes” countries, where China is continually baited, and in whose affairs they meddle. It is these Five Eyes countries who use the language of “#1 Power in the World,” having “special values,” and the need to enforce these values. It is a missionary view shared among the former colonial powers.

The real “international community,” the majority of the world, does not engage in this odd language. Sadly, there doesn’t seem to be a corrective in Canadian political culture to this exceptionalist view of the world.

Former Australian foreign minister Gareth Evans has called on his country to stop this approach, in which “we have too much tone-deaf stridency in our language…too much over-the-top behaviour…too much unchecked offensiveness in Parliamentary performances.” He could easily be talking about Canada.