Category Archives: China

[RADIO] What was learned at Xinjiang event

Recently, the Hamilton Coalition to Stop the War co-sponsored an event, “Genocide in Xinjiang: A Discovery Zoom Panel.”

There are now two videos released of the event.

This week’s Taylor Report discussed what was learned at the panel. You can listen to the program, below.

What was learned at Xinjiang panel

March 22nd, 2021
Taylor Report Commentary


On SoundCloud:


Audio File:



Description (26 minutes):


Phil Taylor and Phil Conlon reviewed the Zoom panel discussion of Friday, March 19, 2021 entitled “Genocide in Xinjiang – a Zoom panel of discovery.”

The panel featured various speakers that you can learn about, here.

Phil Conlon especially appreciated the contributions of the Consul-General, who noted that China had successfully provided safe drinking water to Uyghur residents of Xinjiang some years ago, unlike Canada which has yet to provide the same to First Nations communities in Canada.

The Consul-General invited Canadians to come to Xinjiang to see the true situation for themselves.

Taylor also enjoyed the contributions of the Grayzone’s Max Blumenthal, whose publication has done solid work debunking the lies and shoddy research methods of “anthropologist” Adrian Zenz, the originator of the Uyghur genocide narrative.

Interestingly, the Australian senate overwhelmingly rejected virtually the same motion to censure China that passed 266-0 in the Canadian House of Commons.