Category Archives: Palestine


Encampment Support Statement

Dear Friends,

The Hamilton Coalition to Stop the War is very pleased to announce support for, and participation in, the student anti-genocide encampment at McMaster University.

The HCSW issued a statement on Monday, May 6th:

We applaud the students at McMaster University, who have joined their compatriots all over the world in raising the level of struggle against Israel’s genocidal activities in Gaza and we support all of their demands,

We plan to participate in the encampment, and engage in support activities.

In addition, we support the campaign initiated several months ago, to divest in holdings that support the apartheid regime, and to break off existing ties with Israeli universities which profit from the occupation regime and the two-way trade in arms between Canada and Israel.

Finally, we call for am end to the repression of Palestinian solidarity activists in Canada and demand respect for our Charter rights to freedom of expression and assembly.


A truncated version of the statement was posted on Instagram:

Details and updates on how to support the encampment can be found HERE.