Category Archives: Russia


Petition: Oppose Canada’s renewal of the military training mission to the Ukraine.

Oppose Canada’s renewal of the military training mission to the Ukraine.

Canada’s military mission to Ukraine expires in March. For several reasons, it shouldn’t be renewed.

First, the present Ukrainian government, installed in a coup orchestrated by Washington, isn’t  worthy of our support. According to the BBC, former US Assistant Secretary of State, Victoria Nuland, admitted that the U.S.A. spent $5 billion over a number of years to instigate regime change in Ukraine.

Second, the agents of regime change recruited by Nuland were none other than gangs of thugs from several fascist parties, remnants of the very same Ukrainian fascists allied to Hitler in WW 2. They fought soldiers and police in the main squares of Kiev and other cities.  Canadian veterans might be surprised to learn that the Trudeau government is considering renewing Canada’s military mission to a country with the same fascists they fought in WW 2.

Third, the Ukrainian junta immediately implemented divisive policies, such as banning some of the country’s most popular political parties as well as the use of the Russian language. It seems logical that Crimea would have been less likely have voted to leave and rejoin Russia, and Eastern Russian-speaking regions would been much more hesitant to seek independence if a more moderate and tolerant government took office in the proper constitutional methods.

A fourth reason is the reaction of the Ukrainian government to the brutal Odessa massacre of May 2, 2014. On that day, over 40 peaceful anti-government protesters were killed and some 200 injured when pro-government thugs set fire to the Trade Union House in which they had taken shelter. This incident has not been properly investigated and no culprits arrested or punished.

The fifth reason to be against renewal of Canada’s military mission is that contrary to the promises made to the last Soviet president, Mikhaill Gorbachev, NATO expansion continued to the east, along with a continuing military build up along its western borders, even bringing in former Soviet republics into NATO. It is understandable why the Russians would think there is an attempt to encircle them, especially now with the possibility of Ukrainian membership in NATO. We should remember that Russia was invaded twice in the twentieth century from the West costing tens of millions of Russian lives and huge devastation. A major war, possibly WW 3, could develop from western war games and aggressive expansion along the Russian frontier and being involved in conflict zones in Eastern Ukraine.It’s time that the Trudeau government broke with aggressive Harper-era policies and dealt fairly and diplomatically with the Russian Federation.

For this reason, it would be far wiser for the Trudeau government not to extend the military mission to Ukraine and to pull its troops and equipment out of all the frontier states with Russia. Indeed, Canadians would benefit from cutting ties with NATO altogether and pursuing instead a peaceful, humane, and independent foreign policy.


This petition will be delivered to:

  • Prime Minister Justin P.J. Trudeau
  • Minister of Veterns Affairs and Associate Minster of National Affairs Kent Hehr
  • Minister of Democratic Institutions Karina Gould


Petition Link: