Get ready for the 24th!

She’s back from Syria!

Hamilton is the first stop on Eva Bartlett’s Central Canadian Tour…

Please distribute widely! Colour poster below!

Remind yourself via the Facebook events page:


This is your chance to get an eyewitness account from Aleppo and other areas of the conflict, from a citizen journalist determined to combat #FakeNews propaganda that has been fed to us for so long.

Tuesday, January 24, 7 pm, New Vision United Church, 24 Main Street West, Hamilton, L8P 1H2

Stay tuned for any updated information about McMaster’s Event!

Free admission! There will be a voluntary offering requested to support Syrian anti-war organizing…

How to get there…

New Vision United Church is wheelchair accessible. Paid parking is available at Hamilton City Hall as well as directly behind the church in a lot off James Street South. The church is adjacent to the HSR’s MacNab Street Bus Terminal.


She’s on the radio!

All the world's peoples have the right to pursue their own destiny.