Category Archives: Radio


Women’s Boat to Gaza to challenge illegal blockade

An exciting new development! Please share widely!

>>>Taylor Report<<<, broadcast every Monday from 5 to 6 pm from CIUT.FM, 89.5 on your FM dial, at the University of Toronto.

March 14th, 2016
Featured Guest: WENDY GOLDSMITH, spokeswoman Women’s Boat to Gaza

Palestinian women have been at the center of the struggle against Israel’s blockade of Gaza.

With an all-woman crew and notable women from the international movement in solidarity with the people of Gaza, the Freedom Flotilla Coalition will sail into Gaza’s territorial waters in Oct of this year. Wendy Goldsmith calls on everyone to support the mission. “…we stand with these brave and resilient women…and let them know they are not alone.”

Listen to the interview with Wendy Goldsmith