Category Archives: Vietnam

[RADIO] “Uncle Ho” knew about U.S. racism

Uncle Ho knew all about the racist crimes of Uncle Sam

March 29th, 2021


Featured Guest: DAI TRANG NGUYEN, author of “Ho Chi Minh: The Black Race.

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Phil interviews Dai Trang Nguyen about her new book, “Ho Chi Minh: the Black Race.”

Ho Chi Minh was born in 1890 in Vietnam, and later became the leader of the successful national liberation struggle to remove French and US imperialism from Vietnam, and reunite the country. What is little recognized about Ho was his travels to the USA, where he attended meetings of Marcus Garvey’s UNIA.

During the 1960s, Ho wrote three essays on the US Civil Rights Movement and the anti-war movement in Vietnam. In them, Ho linked racism in the USA to US imperialism abroad. The essays were widely read in the USA because the Black Panther Party distributed them.

The book, “Ho Chi Minh: the Black Race,” can be purchased at A Different Booklist in Toronto.


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The Black Race