Resolution on “Indo-Pacific Strategy”

Congratulations to Henry-Evans Tenbrinke, who submitted the following resolution before the Hamilton & District Labour Council.

It passed 74% in favour and 22% opposed.

“Whereas the Trudeau government’s recently unveiled “Indo-Pacific Strategy” amounts to a new Cold War with China, in that it includes half a billion dollars to deploy a third naval frigate to threaten China and to train the militaries of Asian countries hostile to China;

Recognizing that the Trudeau government lacks an independent foreign policy and relentlessly pursues Washington’s foreign policy objectives in “containing”, isolating, and threatening the People’s Republic of China;

Be It Resolved That the HDLC send letters to the Prime Minister and Minister of Defence, as well as the Hamilton Spectator, decrying this strategy of meddling in the internal affairs of other countries, and demanding instead that the $500 million dollars be diverted instead to spending within Canada on climate mitigation through the creation of green jobs, on healthcare, daycare, and pharmacare;

Be It Further Resolved That that the HDLC executive communicates these letters by circularizing its affiliates and posting the letters on its website and other social media.”

Let’s hope that other trade unions and labour councils also pass this resolution!

One thought on “Resolution on “Indo-Pacific Strategy””

  1. Thanks the resolution to keep out of China and other countries affairs is vital. It has backfired in Venezuela and Peru.
    Democracy prettied up to hide Colonialism isn’t working for
    North America so we have no need to taunt it elsewhere.
    Canadian tax payers money is needed here in Canada for Canadians.

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