Category Archives: Syria


[RADIO] White Helmets remain propaganda construct

The White Helmets remain a propaganda construct

April 5th, 2021


Featured Guest: CHRISTOPHER C. BLACK, international lawyer and author.


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Description (16 minutes):


Phil speaks with Chris Black, international lawyer, about a Globe and Mail article entitled, “The Sting: How a Canadian is fighting back in Syria’s high-stakes disinformation war.”

The article is about CIJA (the Centre for International Justice and Accountability), which was set up and funded, according to Black, “by the very powers that want to overthrow the Syrian government as a prelude to an attack on Iran.”

Black points out that CIJA doesn’t investigate the crimes of Western countries of launching a regime-change operation, using terrorist mercenaries as their foot-soldiers, against the Syrian government. Similarly, according to Black, the White Helmets, which is part of the Western regime-change operation, is a propaganda construct creating false-flag chemical incidents to try to justify Western military intervention in Syria.

Black concludes by talking about NATO itself. He says the USA is trying to establish NATO as the embodiment of its own “rules-based international order,” by which it means to marginalize the United Nations and international law, and dominate the globe through its control of the military alliance.