Category Archives: Radio


RADIO: Eva Bartlett vs. War Propaganda

Get a headstart on the January 24 event!

Listen to Eva Bartlett on some of the recent issues she engaged in during and after her sixth visit to Syria!

Eva Bartlett vs. War Propaganda

Bartlett speaking in Hamilton on January 24, 25.

Syrians have endured and resisted for six years in the face of a concerted regime-change campaign, driven by NATO and Gulf monarchs, that punishes civilians for supporting their elected government.

Eva Bartlett, who is coming to Hamilton on January 24-25, reports on her first-hand encounters with civilians and the war zones. We need to pressure our governments to stop fueling the conflict in Syria so that civilians can rebuild on their own terms.

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Eva Bartlett Tour in Hamilton:

January 24th and 25th venue information: