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VIDEO: Korea Lecture

The Hamilton Coalition To Stop The War is proud to present the entire video of the exceptional lectures of Chris Black and Dr. Atif Kubursi on the subject of “Economic warfare and threats of annihilation against North Korea”, at a public meeting on March 20, 2018, in Hamilton, Ontario, Canada. (60 mins.)

See video below:

Chris Black is an international criminal lawyer on the list of defence counsel at the International Criminal Court. He was part of an international delegation of lawyers to North Korea in 2003. Based on what he observed on that visit, he termed all the media stereotypes of North Korea such as a “hermit kingdom”, full of starving and repressed people, as propaganda. Black outlined North Korea’s many unsuccessful attempts to find an accommodation with the USA, and then outlined the DPRK’s current position for a path towards peace with the USA.

Dr. Atif Kubursi is an emeritus professor of economics at McMaster University. Dr. Kubursi was an official for the UN Economic and Social Commission for Western Asia, 2006-8. Kubursi systematically described all the various kinds of economic sanctions that are currently in force against various countries of the world and then showed how each was ineffective in changing the behaviour of targeted governments. Instead, he pointed out, today’s regimes of economic sanctions, most of which are illegal under international law, punish the populations of the targeted countries, often causing more deaths than the wars that follow them. Instead of economic sanctions, Kubursi argued for dialogue and diplomacy among nation states.
The event at New Vision United Church was co-sponsored by Democracy Probe International and the Hamilton Chapter of the Council of Canadians.