Category Archives: Canadian Foreign Policy

Canadian Foreign Policy

Demonstrate Saturday against NATO

Dear Friends,

As seen in a sendout to our mailing list, we will be demonstrating this Saturday in Hamilton as part of a global week of action against NATO.

You can find the information on our Facebook page, here:

Facebook Page


Stop the Weapons, Stop the War, Stop NATO
Days of Action June 24-30, 2022

We urge people across Canada to join us to protest the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) and demand an end to the war in Ukraine between June 24 to June 30. We will be holding “Stop the Weapons, Stop the War, Stop NATO” rallies across Canada to coincide with NATO’s Summit in Madrid, Spain.

We will be standing in solidarity with the European activists who are organizing a major demonstration against NATO outside the summit and dock workers who are blocking weapons shipments to Ukraine.

[Click Here] to read the full statement of the Canada-Wide Peace and Justice Network.

Our anti-NATO rally in Hamilton is this upcoming Saturday, June 25, from 1 to 2 pm in front of Jackson Square at King and James Streets.

Rain or shine, please bring a sign #CanadaOutOfNATO.

To be kept informed of our events in a timely manner, please join our mailing list.