Category Archives: Radio


Film “On the Side of the Road” & Director Tarachansky

The Hamilton Coalition To Stop The War is pleased to endorse Lia’s film screening & talk next Friday, March 3, at Barton Stone United Church. We are also proud to sponsor her lecture on The Rise of Fascism: Israel in the Age of Trump on Monday, March 13, at 6 pm at McMaster University, during Israel Apartheid Week. (Room to be announced.)

You can listen to the Unusual Sources promo for this event:

Please also see notices 1 to 3 below:

Details for Lia Tarachansky (see poster above)
The historic Barton Stone United Church is located at the corner of Upper James Street and Stonechurch Road, on Hamilton Mountain. There is plenty of free parking. The church is also right on the Upper James bus route and is wheelchair accessible.Join the Facebook events page for this event at
Invite all your friends!

Talk Summary:

In 1995 renowned Italian novelist and philosopher Umberto Eco published a historic article in the New York Review of Books. As a child growing up in Fascist Italy, Eco outlined the fourteen features of what he called Ur-Fascism, or Eternal Fascism.

These are warning signs for any society slipping down the oft-invisible slope towards totalitarianism.  In the age of Donald Trump, Marie Le Pen, Norbert Hofer, and Geert Wilders, his words resonate with an especially urgent alarm.  Since the election of Benjamin Netanyahu, the longest to serve in power of the alt-right populist politicians to sweep the polls, the Israeli government set out on a campaign of incitement against minorities and dissidents, amplified its persecution of political leaders, and expanded its police-state from the occupied Palestinian Territories to all who question government policy.

These moves all come at the heels of a wave of anti-democratic law proposals aimed at criminalizing dissent and expanding Israeli colonialism.  In an upcoming tour across Canada , Israeli journalist-filmmaker Lia Tarachansky uses Eco’s framework to show how these alarming trends led her society to slide down the slippery slope towards Ur-Fascism and how some are fighting to democratize Israel/Palestine.

Monday, March 13, 6 pm, McMaster University, (room to be announced), free admission,
an official event of Israel Apartheid Week on campus
[There will be a voluntary collection at the end of the lecture.]
Click on the link below to sign this timely petition. Canada’s military mission to Ukraine expires in March.

Oppose Canada’s renewal of the military training mission to the Ukraine.